How to Learn a Ma’amor Ba’al Peh

We are now in the final two weeks before Yud Shevat, so this week I hope we can; Learn a Ma’amor Baal Peh. Since the founding of Chassidus Chaba”d, Chassidim were encouraged to have a few Ma’amorim in ‘their head’. Something they could always revert to when necessary. (Actually it was more than encouraged; it was one of the foundational…

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Going to Mikva

The fundamental practical component, separating the Shita of the Alter Rebbe from all other Talmidei Hamagid, is Hisbonenus. In fact in the early days, our holy Derech was called ‘Shitas Hahisbonenus’. Hisbonenus is an art that everyone can learn. And though as in all matters for some it is easier than others, nevertheless everyone is capable of it. I would…

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Why Wear a Hat and Jacket in the Street?

Walking in the street with a hat and jacket. One of the benefits of a “Yiddishe Levush”, is that it serves as a constant reminder that we represent Yiddishkeit. An example the Rebbe once gave; suppose one is walking in a gas-station and wishes to glance at some non-tznius pictures in the magazine stand. His personal Yetzer Hora is strong…

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