Finally, A Simple Process for success in learning.
Vehogisa is revolutionising learning in Lubavitcher Yeshivos and Communities across the globe.
We have a stake in the outcomes and results you will experience. We’ve worked hard to create a culture of ownership that allows Bochurim to tap into the most underutilised resource in learning today – namely the enthusiasm, intelligence, and creativity they already possess.
Our plan is simple. We help Bochurim:
- Choose and focus on enjoyable topic
- Clearly define their end goal, and break it into daily, monthly and yearly goals
- Take time to reward and encourage themselves for their achievements and progress
- Grow through proven support material, such as translation, explanation, curriculum’s and worksheets
- Gain public recognition by celebrating their achievements through regular live events and award ceremonies
- Cultivate deeper peer relationships by connecting them to a global network of other students
This isn’t about theory, it’s about practice. You will be equipped to thrive and succeed in a fluid and fast-paced world while staying grounded in the Emuna that anchors our lives and mission.
Registration available only via הנהלת הישיבה.
Alternatively, If you are interested in finding out more about our program, click the button below to arrange a time to talk.
We will be able to answer any questions you may have and give you more information on what makes our program so different and successful. When you join one of the programs, you will be secure in knowing that you are developing a love for learning, confidence in yourself and a taste for a life of fulfilment.
Click the button below to contact us today.