איך ליצור תלמידים מוצלחים ושמחים
A six week series of deep discussions on applying the principles of Chinuch in ourselves and in turn to our Talmidim
Presented by Rabbi Sholom שי Scharf
Magid Shiur and Mashpia, ליובאוויטש מתיבתא שיקאגא
Six Thursdays - 8:00pm EST
ט' טבת
כ"ג כסלו
י"ז כסלו
ג' כסלו
כ"ה חשון
ח"י חשון
Are you a מחנך and you want to give the BEST to the תלמידים, instead of just “managing” it?
Are you looking for ways to generate שמחה, and חיות through your teaching and guidance?
Are you ready for committed serious work with tangible results?
Then you are invited to a six-week series of deep discussions on ways of applying the principles of חינוך in ourselves and in turn to our תלמידים.
Including powerful and effective tools for improving our teaching and guiding in practical and tangible ways.
Cost: $250
Over Six Weeks You Will
Become aware of the פנימיות of עבודת החינוך
Create your mission statement in חינוך
Joy and vitality in your לימוד and השפעה
How to know the level of your תלמידים
Upgrade the level of your תלמידים
How to introduce a new סוגיא
Engaging your תלמידים and learning WITH them
Learning to teach Chassidus effectively