Beautifying the Person Doing the Mitzva

Welcome back to Yeshiva! It really amazes me each year, when it hits me, that the new Zman begins around the time when we begin the third week of Sefiras Haomer – The Seven days during which we focus on refining ‘Tiferes’. Incorporated in the Midda of Tiferes, Chassidus explains, is the beauty within the Mitzvos – the זה אל-י ואנוהו There…

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Beautifying the Person Doing the Mitzva

Welcome back to Yeshiva! It really amazes me each year, when it hits me, that the new Zman begins around the time when we begin the third week of Sefiras Haomer – The Seven days during which we focus on refining ‘Tiferes’. Incorporated in the Midda of Tiferes, Chassidus explains, is the beauty within the Mitzvos – the זה אל-י ואנוהו There…

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