Davening in a Shul

“What is the difference between a ‘Rebbe’ and a ‘Tzadik’?” the guest asked those assembled at the Farbrengen in the Lubavitcher Shtibel in Samerkand. Well, to be honest it didn’t look like much of a Shtibel… it was more of a makeshift room under the removable floor boards… but when the Oilom would gather each Shabbos to Daven and Farbreng…

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Don’t get drunk on Purim – Here’s why

My grandmother, Rebbitzen Rivka Zajac (affectionately known by her students as “Morah Rivka”), was ten years old, when she and her family escaped communist Russia, on one of the famous “Polish trains”, emigrating to the United States of America. As a young girl growing up in 770, (young enough be on her father’s side of the Mechitza), she merited to…

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Why Learn Chitas?

Learning the Daily Shiur Chumash Yesterday (Chof Hei Shevat), in Hayoim Yoim, the Rebbe brings a letter from the Frierdiker Rebbe about the importance of saying the daily Shiur Chumash and Tehillim, [Shiur Tanya didn’t exist at the time the letter was written], stressing that it is so important that it effects the person saying, their children AND grandchildren. Three…

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