What to do when you are not in the mood

“Tatty. After Pesach we are starting to learn Mishnayos!” my seven year old son tells me excitedly, before both his feet were even through the front door. “Really? What Masechta? [“What’s Masechta”? “Uhh trac- did your Rebbi tell you what part you are going to learn”?] “Yes. The first one. Here I have a paper in my bag. Fifteen papers,…

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Yud Tes Adar 5776, UC Hospital, London, 2:56am, “It’s a boy” “Boruch Hatov Vehametiv” A moment with the baby, and then a call to my parents, a call to my Shvigger, and back for another moment with the baby. Beep: Mazal Tov only Nachas Beep: Can we see a picture Beep: Nu? Picture Beep: Mazzzalll Toooov 7:00am, someone needs to…

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Kibud Av Vaem

The door clicks open. Jolted, the venerated Chossid Reb Zalman Gurari Z”L looks up and sees the Rebbe standing at the door of his room, looking directly at him. “Freg far vos du vilst” – ask for whatever you want, the Rebbe told him. Sizing the moment, Reb Zalman asked a Brocha for something that was troubling him at the…

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