Creating Years Plan – Step 1

The mid sixteen-hundreds were very difficult times for the Yidden of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. It all began with an angry madman, who in response to being treated unfairly in business, rallied tens of thousands of boorish peasants, and created a class war against the Nobilty in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, eventually joining forces with the Russian Czar and creating what would later…

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Learning Rambam

Which is more important learning Iyun or Girsa? This question was asked in the Yeshiva of Rabbon Shimon Ben Gamliel about one thousand nine hundred years ago. Rabbon Shimon Ben Gamliel was of the opinion that Iyun is more important, but Rebbi Meir argued that Girsa is much more important. To explain, we need to back up a bit. Rabbon…

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The crowd of thousands was enthralled by the Nigun. Gently swaying from side to side, the Chassidim sang in unison, their hearts elated, their minds focused, their eyes trained on one spot. The place where the Rebbe sat. But one young Bochur’s mind began to wander. “What would I do if I was called upon to defend the Rebbe’s Kovod?”…

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