Ten Things I Learned from the King’s Coronation

כל המדות, אף גם המדות הלא טובות, או גם רעות על פי תוארם ושמותיהם, אפשר להשתמש בהם לעבודת ה’ ע”פ התורה. וכמו שהרה”צ ר’ משולם זוסיא זצ”ל מהאניפאליא למד כמה דרכים בדרכי העבודה מגנב היום יום ג’ אייר It sounds silly. It’s easy to think it’s archaic and “make-believe”. Mature people desperately trying to keep the charade going. But it’s…

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Did You See This Video?

I rarely read my messages before Davening. I don’t know why today was different. Perhaps because I was supposed to see this very message before I Davened.  It came with a video that was said to have been “forwarded multiple times”, the message reading: The Frierdike Rebbe saying a Sicha!  Realizing what it was, and that I hadn’t yet been to…

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What do you remember?

I rarely read messages before Davening. I don’t know why today was different. Perhaps because I was supposed to see this very message before I Davened. It came with a video that was said to have been “forwarded multiple times”, the message reading: The Frierdike Rebbe saying a Sicha! Realizing what it was, and that I hadn’t yet been to Mikva,…

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