Kibud Av Vaem

The door clicks open.

Jolted, the venerated Chossid Reb Zalman Gurari Z”L looks up and sees the Rebbe standing at the door of his room, looking directly at him.

“Freg far vos du vilst” – ask for whatever you want, the Rebbe told him.

Sizing the moment, Reb Zalman asked a Brocha for something that was troubling him at the time.

The Rebbe Bentched him with success in that matter, but after giving the Brocha, the Rebbe chided him “Generally, when there is such an עת רצון, one asks for Chassidishe Nachas”.

Chassidishe Nachas, is the greatest thing a parent can ask for.

I know, that like me a few years back, you’ll hear it, nod, and move on to the really important things in life… but now that I myself am a parent, I can tell you it’s true.

All a parent really really wants, is Nachas from their children.


Most Mitzvos we do for one reason only – because Hashem told us to.

They are מצות שבין אדם למקום – between an individual and Hashem. He created us, for a reason, and we fulfil that reason.

For if we did not do what we were created to do, what would be the point of our creation?

But what is my personal benefit from doing the Mitzvos?

Personal benefit?!

There is no physical personal benefit! The gain is purely spiritual.

In the spiritual worlds our Mitzvos are מייחד ייחודים and מזווג זיווגים, but those tremendous effects remain in those realms.

And there they remain, waiting until after death, when the Neshoma will leave this most mundane reality and move to the deeper dimensions. It is there that it will begin to understand and benefit from what the Mitzva actually achieved.

Though that benefit pales in comparison to the benefit we will see when we complete the Dira Betachtoinim with the coming of Moshiach.

It is then that we will really see the direct benefit of the Mitzvos.

So, most Mitzvos we only benefit from them in Oilom Habo.

Because we are doing those Mitzvos for one reason only – because Hashem wants, and no other personal motive.


But there are Mitzvos that we do בין אדם לחבירו – to help other people.

Those Mitzvos achieve so much, that it’s benefit breaks through all Tzimtzumim, and actually effects this physical world.

This is because, when helping a Yid, we are not merely elevating the physical to Elokus.

Because a Yid is higher than the physical.

The fact that part of the life force of a Yid is their Nefesh Elokis – a part of Chochma D’Atzilus itself(!), means that a Yid’s channel of energy comes from much higher levels than the rest of physical reality.

Helping another Nefesh Elokis, creates that force so powerful that it breaks though and enters this physical world.

The effect of these Mitzvos are so powerful that אדם אוכל פירותיהם בעולם הזה – a person gains physical benefit from them even in this world.


But there is one Mitzva that contains both.

That is the Mitzva of כיבוד אב ואם.

On the one hand, honouring ones parents is בין אדם לחבירו. Just being a Mentch and showing Kovod for those that brought you into this world, and do so much for you!

But at the same time, it is also a Mitzva that is בין אדם למקום. Because by honouring them, we are also honouring the third partner in the creation of man – Hashem.

“Kibud Av” is by definition “Kibud Ha’kel”.


Over this coming month we have the unique opportunity to do this Mitzva of כיבוד אב ואם in a manner not possible for much of the rest of the year.

Now, it goes without saying that it is important that we help at home, and Poshut be a Mentch – not to sit on the couch when others are working זכר לשעבוד מצרים…

But besides helping to shoulder the domestic responsibility, go further and give your parents real Kibud Av Va’em, by giving them Chassidishe Nachas.

As a child, you know what that one thing that would mean the most to your parents is.

For some it is waking up early and starting your day at a normal hour. Other parents appreciate it when their child has a Chavrusa, for others it’s knowing what they learned over the Zman, and for yet another it is watching their son on Mivtzoim.

Of course every parent wants all of them.

But often a parent has that one thing that means the most to them. That one thing that if you will do that – you will make them so happy.

If they don’t have one specific, (or if they want all…), take one. You chose which one.

Take on to do that one thing over this Bein Hazmanim.

That one hard thing.

And אדם אוכל פירותיהם בעולם הזה – you will benefit from it in this world too.

You will see, your Avoda over the next Zman will be so much more successful!