How to Learn a Ma’amor Ba’al Peh

We are now in the final two weeks before Yud Shevat, so this week I hope we can;

Learn a Ma’amor Baal Peh.

Since the founding of Chassidus Chaba”d, Chassidim were encouraged to have a few Ma’amorim in ‘their head’. Something they could always revert to when necessary.

(Actually it was more than encouraged; it was one of the foundational expectations of a Chossid).

Let’s spend a moment to address;

First of all, “Why”?

Why is it so important to have a Ma’amor off hand?

Second of all, “How”?

What is the method to learning a Ma’amor Baal Peh?

Let’s first answer the second question – it will lead us to the first.

Learning a Ma’amor Baal Peh is not about “memory”.

Far from it!

It is about learning understanding and internalising something so well, that you can repeat it as if it is your own thought.

So briefly,

Here are the 6 steps to learning a Ma’amor Baal Peh

  1. Choose a Ma’amor. [Speak to your Mashpia to help you find one in your natural style of learning – that is often the one that will affect you the most].
  2. Learn the Ma’amor once briefly so you get the flow and the basic idea of what is discussed.
  3. Learn it through properly, ensuring you fully understand each concept, as well as the flow.
  4. Keep reviewing the Ma’amor inside deeply – as many times as you need – each time making sure that you fully understand every concept and see clearly the המשך הענינים. At this point you will no longer be ‘parroting’ a concept. Rather it will start to become the way you yourself see it.
  5. Now try repeating the Ma’amor outside Ois-by-Ois. Focusing not only on the concepts and ‘Hemshech Hoinyonim’ but also on אותיות הרב. The Rebbe’s Oisiyos are the ultimate level of the concept addressed, so if we recall the Loshon we can keep uncovering deeper and deeper layers of understanding. (Our understanding will always be limited to our current level of Sechel and Eidelkait).
  6. Once you have it clear, keep reviewing.

Now you have the Ma’amor so clearly etched in your mind that you will be able to think about it wherever you go.

Our minds are always busy; it is up to us to ensure that they kept focused on the right thing. An empty mind wanders, but a mind that is full can always move its focus to whatever it chooses to.


The more we absorb a Ma’amor and begin to think it through consistently, the deeper we understand it,

Thus, the deeper it penetrates our consciousness and enables us to see the world though it’s holy light.

Imagine always being able to focus on Elokus, and seeing the real reality around us. What a life that is!

So as we approach Yud Shevat, let us fill our heads with Chassidus, by understanding it so deeply that it becomes the way we see the world, we begin to absorb the Bechol Derochecha De’iehu, thus bringing the עיקר שכינה למטה (as the Rebbe explains in Bosi Legani 5718) בביאת משיח צדקינו במהרה בימינו ממש.