Chof Zain Adar

Dear G-D, I was just a little boy. 5 years old to be exact. In my memories it was the first time I saw my mother cry. *** It was a Tuesday morning, and my mother woke me up for school. "Shhh. Quietly. Tatty is still sleeping" "The phone rang late last night. It sounded like someone called from Yeshiva. I'm not sure what happened,…

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Hei Teves

Hey Teves, For those old enough to remember that year (I am not…), those two words bring forth memories of an eruption of joy. For Chassidim, two years of pent up concern, worry, and pain were suddenly released with the announcement of just two words: “Didan Notzach”! This was well before the days of instant communication, but there was little…

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The limits of outside influence

B"H The lesson of Chanuka is the centrality of Ruchaniyus in our lives. The lessons of the story is A) the damage done by focussing solely on personal academic understanding. And B) always beware of those working with force to push people into a ‘liberal’ way of life. To that end, see the correspondence below: *** Dear_____ You ask why…

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