Feel good Judaism

“I love the ‘Vort’ of not saying חסל סידור פסח at the conclusion of the Seder – not to formally end the Seder that never ends. “It’s such an inspiring thought, that even though I Daven Nusach Sefard myself, I didn’t say it this year”. Is this person correct for omitting part of his Nusach Hagoda? If one feels that…

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Tikun Leil Shevuos

Picture the scene. You are on the bus on the way to Mivtzoim minding your own business, when something crawling catches your eye. Stifling the urge to shriek, you recoil at the sight of a large cockroach crawling along the floor way to close for comfort. But the nightmare doesn’t stop there, because you watch with horror as this bug…

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What to do when you are not in the mood

“Tatty. After Pesach we are starting to learn Mishnayos!” my seven year old son tells me excitedly, before both his feet were even through the front door. “Really? What Masechta? [“What’s Masechta”? “Uhh trac- did your Rebbi tell you what part you are going to learn”?] “Yes. The first one. Here I have a paper in my bag. Fifteen papers,…

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