Kabolas Ol Besimcha

I had to speak to the Rov. I was hoping to have this sent before Yom Tov, but I miscalculated the time, and was unable. And I was unsure if I may type on Chol Hamoed. The Rov told me that whilst I can’t pause a Kevius, I should write as short as possible and leave the explanations for another time.…

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Creating years plan – part 2

The son of famed Chossid R’ Michoel Beliner of Nevel (the first Mashpia of Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch) was deathly ill. The doctors had given up, so R’ Michoel did the only thing he could – he travelled to the Tzemach Tzedek in Lubavitch. “Arouse from within you the power of trust in Hashem with simple faith, that He will…

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Creating Years Plan – Step 1

The mid sixteen-hundreds were very difficult times for the Yidden of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. It all began with an angry madman, who in response to being treated unfairly in business, rallied tens of thousands of boorish peasants, and created a class war against the Nobilty in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, eventually joining forces with the Russian Czar and creating what would later…

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