Kedushas Hatorah

Imagine if you never learned the Torah as a story. Imagine if you never learned “בראשית ברא אלוקים את השמים ואת הארץ“ as “In the beginning Hashem created the heavens and the earth”, rather you only learned “Hashem created the world for two entities – so that Yidden should keep the Torah”, or “He created a land which is holier than all the others”… or “He…

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How to do the impossible

You know that thing you cannot do? These next few lines will teach you how you can, in fact, do it. How the brain works: The “goings-on” in the world outside of our bodies trigger one of our five senses [sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch]. This sense then moves through the body as electromagnetic signals, traveling from cell to…

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Birur Hamidos

“You do not understand how hard it is for me. I just cannot control my anger. One tiny thing and I get triggered”. “To sit in one place is impossible for me. Why did the Eibishter give me such a Nisoyon”? “Rabbi Itzinger, I’m introverted. I just don’t have it in me to go out to the street and ask…

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