Shmiras Enayim

“Can we watch the Kinus Hashluchos on the big screen in Zal”? This is a conversation that I am almost certain never happened. Because some things seem obvious. But what about in our own home? Or on our own device? I am not a Rov, so I will not discuss this from the Halachic perspective. But let us look at the…

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Healthy Children

“I’m sorry the I.V. hasn’t helped; your son will need a procedure to drain the infection.” It was the second day that my three-year-old was in hospital because of an infection; the antibiotics hadn’t helped, and he now lay in his bed, his tiny arm all bandaged up. “As he will be having a “procedure” tomorrow, he cannot eat from…

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Hisbonenus VS Hislahavus

“When the Alter Rebbe lived in Liozna [known as the period before “Peterburg”], anyone who would walk in to the Rebbe’s room even for a short while, would leave as a Tzadik with ‘Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem… This changed however, once the Rebbe moved to Liadi [known as the period ‘after Peterburg’] it was then that from the Alter…

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