Ten Things I Learned from the King’s Coronation

כל המדות, אף גם המדות הלא טובות, או גם רעות על פי תוארם ושמותיהם, אפשר להשתמש בהם לעבודת ה’ ע”פ התורה. וכמו שהרה”צ ר’ משולם זוסיא זצ”ל מהאניפאליא למד כמה דרכים בדרכי העבודה מגנב היום יום ג’ אייר It sounds silly. It’s easy to think it’s archaic and “make-believe”. Mature people desperately trying to keep the charade going. But it’s…

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Beautifying the Person Doing the Mitzva

Welcome back to Yeshiva! It really amazes me each year, when it hits me, that the new Zman begins around the time when we begin the third week of Sefiras Haomer – The Seven days during which we focus on refining ‘Tiferes’. Incorporated in the Midda of Tiferes, Chassidus explains, is the beauty within the Mitzvos – the זה אל-י ואנוהו There…

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Kabolas Hamalchus Each Day

Last Thursday, Yud Beis Elul at 2:37PM, The Queen died. At that moment, her oldest son became King Charles III. Whilst we rarely see the effect or perhaps even the need for the monarchy in our daily lives, as Yidden we know it is real. We know that because Torah instructs us to make a special Brocha upon seeing the…

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