From Whom To Learn History

BH As we travel home for בין הזמנים, I wanted to share this correspondence with you to give some perspective on how to properly utilise the extra time we have. *** In answer to your question regarding reading _____ and your quest for a proper understanding of history… Your question is an interesting one, and not easy to answer in…

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Why Do We Say Lechaim?

My grandmother, Rebbitzen Rivka Zajac (affectionately known by her students as “Morah Rivka”), was six years old, when she and her family escaped communist Russia, on one of the famous “Polish trains”, emigrating to the United States of America. As a young girl in New York, (young enough be on her father’s side of the Mechitza), she merited to grow…

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Focus on the Individual

I didn't know him well, but he was a constant source of inspiration for me. He had the hardest job in Lubavitch  I am not sure I can think of another Shliach who has a more frustrating Shlichus... He worked all day every day, asking Lubavitcher's to learn on the phone... That is how I got to know him. I…

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