Welcome back to Yeshiva!
It really amazes me each year, when it hits me, that the new Zman begins around the time when we begin the third week of Sefiras Haomer – The Seven days during which we focus on refining ‘Tiferes’.
Incorporated in the Midda of Tiferes, Chassidus explains, is the beauty within the Mitzvos – the זה אל-י ואנוהו
There are a few elements to beautifying a Mitzva, but one of the most important is the Person doing the Mitzva.
At that moment – revealing Elokus and therefore representing Elokus for all the world.
It brings to mind an interesting Breisa which אביי taught (יומא, פ”ו, א). [Not the Exact nor Full Translation]:
The Drush on the Possuk “ואהבת את ה’ אלוקיך” means; you shall make the name of Hashem beloved. Learn Torah and Mishna, be משמש תלמידי חכמים – And
be pleasant with people.
People will then say about you – Fortunate are his parents who taught him Torah,
fortunate is his teacher who taught him Torah…
This is the person, concludes the Breisa, who the Possuk refers to when stating – ישראל אשר בך אתפאר – The Yid through whom Hashem is glorified.
As the Summer Zman begins, remember that in Yeshiva too you represent Yiddishkeit, you represent Lubavitch, you represent the Rebbe.
So, may I suggest that you
choose one thing which may be a struggle for you in בין אדם לחבירו, or in how we act toward the public in general;
How you act towards a friend(s), How you walk on the street, how your room looks in the dorm…
If we each focus on developing self-control in that one thing in this area, in which we may not be naturally inclined – by the end of this Zman (likely far earlier than that…) we will become continuous, walking, Kiddush Hashem (at least in that one area), to our friends and family, our Hanhola, and the entire city.
May Hashem Bentch you with a successful Zman